Gunnebo Group Sustainability Strategy
Our Sustainability Approach serve as the foundation for our Sustainability strategy. We use our own tool Assess & Act to assess actions for each focus area and thereby follow up on our progress in our local entities. For KPI reporting, we use Worldfavor – a sustainability management tool, that helps us keep track on our sustainability data. Our Code of Conduct, together with our Sustainability Policy clarify what we expect from our employees and what we stand for.
Sustainability Approach
Gunnebo’s vision is to be a leading provider of a safer future by supplying solutions which protect people, valuables and assets. We strive to have the best security products that make a difference in managing cash, protecting assets or controlling the flow of people.
The Group’s mission is to create a safer world – for its customers, business partners, employees and society as a whole. When it comes to sustainability, we are committed to:
Our people
Health & Safety
Provide safe work conditions and prevent work accidents
Employee Development
Develop our employees with focus on career development reviews and trainings
Diversity & Inclusion
Offer a diverse and inclusive workspace and support local community initiatives for a diversified society
Our impact
Climate & Energy
Strive to be a climate neutral business with focus at own operations
Resource Efficiency
Optimize use of virgin material, water, waste and chemicals
Our business
Business Ethics
Ensure high business ethics in everything we do
Strive towards a sustainable supply chain
Customer Privacy & Data Security Ensure high security for our customers and employees
Sustainability Policy
Gunnebo’s vision is to be a leading provider of a safer future and our mission is to create a safer world. In order to be leading, we need to be sustainable. In Gunnebo, we aim to integrate sustainability in all parts of our business, from our own operations and through all our supply chain, with our focus areas further described in our Sustainability Approach. Gunnebo is strongly committed to sustainable development by taking all three pillars of sustainability in account, Our Business, Our People and Our impact. Gunnebo commits to:
Address and manage sustainability related risks
Integrate sustainability in our projects and targets
General principles
Consider our owners exclusionary list when doing business
Consider sustainability aspects in M&A processes
High standard of business ethics, including full compliance with relevant legislation on anti-corruption, antitrust/fair competition, and tax (zero incidents)
Introduce a third-party whistle blower function
Screening/auditing of new/exsiting suppliers based on sustainability criteria
Our business
A sustainability strategy and management approach
Financial and non-financial transparency through accurate external reporting
Attain ISO 9 001 certification in own operations
Active measures for employee wellbeing
Actively promote diversity by fair representation (best-in-class), e.g. challenge recruiters to present shortlists with diverse candidates, equal pay for equal work, and work towards 30% of the unrepresented gender in management teams
Represent the customer’s best interests, including customer health and safety, data security and customer privacy, and responsible marketing practices
Attain ISO 45 001 certifications in all our operations
Positive community engagement
Aim for zero fatalities and high consequence work-related injuries or ill health in all our operations
Full compliance with relevant legislation and conventions on human rights (zero incidents)
Employees’ right to freedom association and collective bargaining
A living wage in all our operations
Zero tolerance of discrimination or harassment of any type, including based on age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability
Our people
Full compliance with relevant legislation and conventions
Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045
Our impact
Attain ISO 14 001 certifications in all our operations
Code of Conduct
Gunnebo’s Code of Conduct was first introduced in 2002, since then it has been guiding us to act with integrity and good judgement:
To ensure respect for employees and their rights, to offer safe and fair working conditions, to continuously develop skills and competencies to ensure individual job satisfaction and development opportunities.
To gain and maintain customers through continuous development, to build lasting relationships based on trust, and to provide products, services and solutions that meet customers’ expectations.
To ensure productive, ethical and transparent relationships with suppliers, customers and other partners by establishing clear guidelines and expectations and conducting necessary control.
To deliver value through sustainable profitable growth by always considering health, safety and our impact on the environment.
To manage the business as a responsible, ethical member of society, acting according to the laws in the countries where we are present, showing respect for the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Read the full code of conduct by downloading it below: